Monday, March 12, 2012


Happy Monday Folks! Hope everyone had a fun and restful weekend but its time to get back into the swing of thangs though. As you know by now time went ahead an hour over the weekend so days are longer, nights are shorter but the weather is going to start getting pretty dope. SPRING BABY!

Speaking of the weekend, I had an interesting conversation with a friend regarding gay marriage and why most states are reluctant to pass legislation that would recognize saddme sex unions. The first thing that came up was religion and the bible. Turned into a real debate of course! While I do know the Bible does address homosexuality, it doesn't explicitly mention gay marriage/same-sex marriage. However, the Bible condemns homosexuality as an immoral and unnatural sin and uses all kinds of other colorful descriptions against homosexuals such as, abomination, detestable sin, shameful, unnatural, lustful, indecent, unrighteous and will not inherit the kingdom of God. Now I never considered myself overly religious and I don't claim any organization, denomination and I never allowed myself to get brainwashed to sip just any kool aid. But what I do respect is the power and word of God. But I also have numerous gay friends that I love and respect and I believe for some of them being gay wasn't a CHOICE they made its just who they are. And if we all are children of God and created in His own image then why create those that are clearly religiously frowned upon?? Having a hard time with this one...HELP ME OUT HERE!




  1. This is such a juicy topic and makes for a good debate! I think the bible contradicts itself. How do you write "God is a loving God" on one page but then the next "He frowns upon Homosexuality". That doesn't make sense to me. He created ALL of us and if He is against it, then He should judge. Not us. I'm team Big G/Baby J all day but I'm not rolling with the bible

  2. AYE DIOS! LOL! As a Christian woman, I struggle with the idea that homosexuality is an abomination, considering that I have family members who are gay. "He who cast the first stone...." We are all with sin in some shape, way or form. I don't feel it is my right to cast judgment upon someone else because they cannot help who they are attracted to and love. I know a few people in same sex relationships that are loving and committed and its unfortunate that they are subjected to this nonsense.... More importantly, GOD has called us to love upon all people and that is exactly what I intend to do. It is not my place to cast criticism, shoot I know I ain't living right all the time, lol! Folks need to worry about the children killing children as opposed to Joe loving Harry!- Maryann

  3. As a young child, Christianity was introduced into my life from day one, there were no other options. I was baptized at the age of 4 and told that I would have to be a productive member in the church, so I did what I was told. I sang in the choir, attended Sunday school and attending bible study on a regular basis. Every now and then I would grumble about not wanting to go to church but I had no other choice. As I grew in the church and read the bible I learned the rules of the bible. Leviticus Homosexual acts are an abomination to God. 18:22 If a man has sex with another man, kill them both. 20:13 I remember thinking ok this is kind of scary but I was young and I tended to not take those rules so seriously.

    Fast forward to preteen, I was attracted to the same sex with the rules of the bible in the back of my head. I like this person but it’s a sin to like this person. So I tried to put those feelings on the back burner. High School and college rolls around and I date the opposite sex because “it” was the right thing to do but during that time my attraction for the same sex was embedded in me. I had already indulged in same sex activities but still battling Christianity and the rules of the almighty father I had a rough time, I was a good person following a lot the rules of the bible but “will it really be that sinful If I dated the same sex?” “Would I live my after life in hell because I love the same sex as myself?” Those are all of the questions that I had to struggle with. So finally I decided that I would stop dealing with the opposite sex and live my life as a GAY Christian. My almighty father up above loves me and every living being that he put on this earth, he knows our thoughts he knows our actions, he knows every hair on my head, so I know that he knew that I was going to be gay so why would he condemn me to hell? I'm not killing anyone, hurting children the sick or the elderly. Im kind caring and loving to everyone, I treat people as I want to be treated. Well I guess I will know on judgment day. As far as Gay marriage I am a gay Christian and I approve of gay marriage in the house of god.


  5. This is a hard topic for me too Jay, having a sister, cousins, in laws who are gay and I as well have a past too!!!!! Do I just turn my back on them and not want them to be happy????? Can't do that so I will continue to pray for direction n insight.

  6. I think we all can agree... God may have inspired the Bible to be written... but it was man... white closed minded men who penned the Bible... and then King James wrote his verison of the Good Book... to be honest... I know and have gay friends and family members... aunts, cousin, some old co-workers... I really don't care... just as long as you don't push your or their lifestyle on me, who gives a hoot who they marry... I really think it's about health coverage and insurance... the government and corporation don't want to pay for it... they bearly want to pay for their employees, and their spouses and children... they are just having a hard time with the alternative lifestyle... that's what I think... it's really not about who's gay, and if the gay lovers want to be married to the one they love... the government just don't want to pay for it...!
