Like many of us, our consciousness is still undeveloped and will remain that way without the proper knowledge and determination it takes to awaken our inner force. This begins with attaining the best possible way of not allowing life to control you and learn how to control your life. How, you ask? Well for me it was just getting up and being productive. Procrastination is a dream killer. So I began viewing work and educating myself as something I WANTED to do instead of something I HAD to do. I'm changing the culture of my thought process. This all begins with not allowing emotions to control me anymore.
There comes a time in everyone life where we have that one moment of clarity. Whether it stems from tragedy or triumph life just seems a little clearer. It can come from a broken heart or abundance of affection, but whatever the basis for such comprehension you just want to change. To be different. To be better. I have loved and I've been loved. I have hurt and I've been hurt. I have lost those who are irreplaceable and decided that was all the reason I needed not to push on. To accept an attitude that I have come as far as I can and I was now to be sucked in to my own proverbial quicksand and allow life to suffocate me. In a sense I was committing mental suicide and emotional degradation. That was until my own moment of clarity warned me of my inevitable destruction like the 'Check Engine' light just popped on in my soul. I needed to repair myself on the inside first and decided I would do this by eliminating limitations. Through the years my devils within has convinced me that I was incapable of achieving. But through reading, studying and enlightenment I learned that when one puts a limit on what he CAN be, he has put a limit on what he WILL be.
In a nutshell, our potential is limitless!
This isn't me attempting to be a self-help guru or anything like that. I'm just sharing in hopes that someone will embrace this and want to do better. I have come in contact with way too many people that have given up on the evolution of their life. Folks that just settle. But why settle when life and everything in it could be yours if you just reach out and grab it. Claim it. Because your overall potential lies in what you can do but have not done yet. BE GREAT.
Wow...this is so very powerful and much needed! Prayerfully someone will get set free and healed from reading this! We all have purpose,potential and the power to be GREAT and UNSTOPPABLE!KEEP GOING CenteredSpace....make 2013 an EPIC YEAR!